Do you want to be more optimistic? I’m guessing that’s a “yes”, since you’re reading this. But HOW? Some of us aren’t born optimists, but rather need practical ways to make it happen. So that’s what this article is all about. Here are 7 practical ways to be more optimistic. But they need to be practiced. And set into motion. These 7 practical ways to be more optimistic need to be used.
Optimism is an active experience.
1 -Thankful in all things – a practical action.
Pay attention. Be thankful for all the good things in your life. But how can we all do this in a practical way? Write thank you cards or notes. Send texts saying “thank you for… “. Tell someone – anyone – how thankful you are for who they are, and what they’re doing, and being in your life. Be thankful for NOW – regardless of this COVID mess. Thank one person every day for 31 days – make a list with 31 spaces to note who you thanked – it’s a practical way to follow through…
Being thankful focuses your mind on what is good and lovely in life. Optimists are aware and can list these things.

2 – Be encouraged.
Find people in your life who will encourage you. Now, don’t dismiss this… I’m guessing there’s at least one person. One real-life person. And if there’s no-one who you can tap into as a mentor in a specific spot, then find a few historical people who you can use as an example. Choose those who have been confronted by the challenges you face and have overcome. Use their example. So – reach out. Or research. Or do both. Which 3 people will you look to when you need encouragement? Write their names on your mirror to remind yourself.
Being optimistic in a practical way means we surround ourselves with people who have the ability to encourage. Encouraging people are positive-focused.

3 – Encourage others. 25 practical ideas.
Reach out to encourage other people. When we get out of our own world of self-interest, concerns and cares there is great power to change the world around us. Be kind for no reason. — Do these 25 active, practical things as a beginning.
Optimistic people have a view much greater than their own tiny circle.

4 – Set achievable goals.
Do you have goals? Clear goals? Specific? Are they achievable? Once you are clear on your achievable goals, make a plan to reach them. And small goals are completely worthwhile also. Being practical about optimism means you don’t need pie-in-the-sky, world-shattering goals. Rather, you are focused on items that will improve life in some way. Even if the improvement is small. Here are some resources on goal setting: Big Goals Take Many Turns, , A Real Dream Needs A Real Plan. Use this SMART worksheet. (put $0. in the dollar amount to get it for free.)
Optimists are focused on making a difference – even in small, useful ways.

5 – Take action on your goals.
Having achievable goals is good. Now you need to take action on those goals! Remember: Today Is My Everything = TIME. Just do something! One step.
Optimists know that everything takes time – because nothing happens unless they take action.

6 – Be held accountable.
Just having goals and taking action isn’t enough. Create a circle of support, because we all fall down. So this is your safety net. Supportive people will make sure you’re held accountable for all the good things in your life: goals, relationships, health, and more. Reach out. See #2 – is there someone on your list who could do this? If you’re stuck, do some research on those on your list and see who their mentors were… that should spark some ideas. And we have a large world, connected by social media. Find an accountability group on Facebook, or even pay for a coach for that specific area – even if it’s just for a time…
Optimists know they will fail. But they expect themselves to keep failing forward. And they know they need help to do that!

7 – Love. A practical resource.
We can ALL become better at loving others. This is the most important part of an optimistic person: they are tuned into how to love. Love others and yourself without restraint – without prerequisites. Learn how to love well; an optimistic person is the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. One practical way to learn how to love is to explore the concept of The Five Love Languages and DO them. As a Christian, my example of how to love well is found in Christ Jesus.
An optimistic person can and does love. Because he or she understands that the more love they demonstrate, the more there will be to give. Love is endless – there’s no way to run out of love if your source is greater than yourself.

Your whole life can become more positive – you can be more optimistic! – Practice these 7 practical ways to be more optimistic and see the development.
Where will you begin?
With which of the 7 practical ways to be more optimistic will you take action?

I love these different ideas of ways to be optimistic!! Thanks for this!
Great list! My glass is always more than half full and I love setting goals and challenges.
This was an uplifting read. Thanks for sharing!