Best friends. We read and hear about that concept quite a bit. It seems like an elusive, never-to-capture ideal. There are movies, books and social media posts touting the idea… but what does “best friend” really mean?
Best friend means something different for everyone.
I’d imagine your “best friend” job description would look different from mine. In fact, there’s every chance we’d all have a unique set of criteria on our list… And that list has changed and will change as long as we’re alive.
Is there any chance one living person could meet all our human “best friend” needs – always?
Join me over at Angie’s Forum!
I did a guest post over at my friend Angie’s site – click to head over there where I explored 10 ways to be your own best friend!
Will you agree with me? Or am I way off base?
Add your ideas to the 10 ways to be your own best friend over there! (click the photo to go there!)