It’s a journal – check-in morning & evening – lead a thankful life!
Quick and easy way to grow to focus on gratitude – all the best stuff that’s happening in your life. In this journal you’ll find 100+ pages to journal all the good things happening – it’ll create a snapshot of thankful living!
Here’s the format:
There’s space to start your day with an optimistic quote, the things you’re truly grateful for at the beginning of the day, a few lines to imagine what would make your day a good day (a focus idea), a space for an affirmation beginning with “I am…”.
Then at the end of your day, there is space to record the amazing things that happened, and a space to reflect on what you might have done to make the day even better.
The entries are yours to date – so you can do this as many times a week as you choose – and if there’s a bit of a lag in entries, that’s OK too. You decide! This would be a great journal to do together with your partner or children.
What a wonderful experience it will be to look back at this journal to see your life in an optimistic view – it’ll be in your handwriting and as a way to demonstrate that no matter all the hurdles, you kept noticing the good stuff – the things and people and experiences you value in your life.
Grab it on Amazon! document how you demonstrate kindness…
This is a journal and a workbook with ideas and options to explore and track kindness in action. It would work as an activity used now and again, or over an entire year.
Great for an individual, a couple, or as a family project!
Inside this journal you’ll find:
- 52 kindness statements to spark some thought
- 52+ pages to track where and how you’ve been kind
- 10 pages to track the easy, quick kindnesses
- 100+ specific ideas on ways to be kind
- and more!
This is a practical journal, filled with ideas and space to explore your own journey of kindness.
Imagine the positive experiences and amazing stories you’ll be able to tell after a year of being kind
30 Gratitude Prompts – available on Amazon!
Here are 30 gratitude prompts in a journal format to explore how to be more optimistic & thankful.
There’s a whole page to write your answer, and add personality to the page.
At the end of this book, you’ll find extra pages to go further…
This is a workbook, with lots of room to write, doodle, and add your own personal thoughts and touch.

What is Positive Thanks Living?
Facing the world with optimism – strategic optimism! How?
Positive Action

Lori Ferguson is an optimist. She’s married to Robert and they have adult children and three grands. They’ve been crossing off their bucket-list items, including a few years living and traveling in an RV. Lori’s the author of “Moving Past Procrastination to a Great Marriage” and other notebooks for you to write in on Amazon. Here’s her author’s page – she’s continuing to add options so you can record what’s important to you!
You can also find her on Instagram where she posts her creative pursuits – and on YouTube .