You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter thank you think!

Be kind to my friend!

(Yes, that’s you!)

We often speak badly about ourselves, to ourselves. Stop it!

Would you say some of those negative statements you think about yourself to a friend? (No. I didn’t think so.)

Today, treat yourself as your own friend. Give yourself some positive, verbal pats-on-the-back. If you need to give yourself a break – then do it! If you need to give yourself a swift kick-in-the-pants – then do it! Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved and valued. Because you are!

You have people who love and admire you – now it’s time for you to do that for yourself. You are:

  • loved by the Creator of the entire world. HE thought you would be a wonderful addition to this time and this place.
  • needed exactly where you are at this time and place
  • talented and beautiful just as God made you to be
  • valued by your friends for the person you are – not for what you do
  • a blessing for others
  • on your way to a wonderful future, with many adventures along the way.

Yes. Take heart.

You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think!

You are braver, strong and smarter than you think - talk well of yourself... to yourself!

You are braver, strong and smarter than you think - talk well of yourself... to yourself! - Get positivity prompts 6 days a week - PositiveThanksLiving