Plant kindness. What grows from being kind to others is beautiful and nourishing.
Kind or Critical?
In case you were wondering, criticism is not kind. Criticism is like a poisonous weed.
I’m imagining criticism – that deliberate judgment of others – is like hogweed. Hogweed’s sap burns and scars.
If you try and mow or weed-whack a hogweed plant, it’ll just send up new growth. Isn’t that exactly like being judgmental? Start criticizing one action or aspect of a person’s character, and you’ll quickly find other points to criticize… And hogweed might appear to be Queen Anne’s Lace or Angelica, just like criticism can be disguised as helpful advice, but it’s not. Get involved in criticism and it’ll burn. And scar. You.
Plant a Garden of Kindness
Now, imagine a garden filled with beautiful flowers, fruit, and vegetables. It’s nourishing for the soul and body.
That’s just like kindness – when we watch others be kind, isn’t it a joy to behold? When we, ourselves, are beneficiaries of a kindness, isn’t it nourishing to every part of our life? And, when we are the authors of an act of kindness, isn’t it something we rejoice over with the other person?
Make this a day to sow seeds of kindness.
(Toss those critical thoughts/words on the burn pile!)
Today Is My Everything. (Notice the first letter in each word of that sentence creates an acronym.) Use TIME wisely today to make an impact on all your tomorrows.
We can’t change the past. Though we can prepare for the future, today is the only resource we have. 24 hours, 1440 minutes.
One moment after another and the day passes.
Are you pursuing a goal? Think you don’t have enough time to make it work?
Chances are you have a few extra moments to create a small dent in that goal. Close the Facebook App, turn off the TV, and if you’re like me, put down the book and/or Kindle.
What one thing will you do today to move forward on that goal?
I’m writing this post because my focus is to be positive and to encourage others. In the month of July, my goal is to write 31 positive articles. It’s a part of the #blogboost initiative, which is a way to keep myself accountable. Last month I decided I’d avoid eating sugar. (That went quite well, by-the-way! I’ve decided to carry on in this month!)
A few months ago I was exploring the idea of challenging myself and downloaded a Kindle Unlimited book called, “The 30 Day Challenge Book: 500 Ideas to Inspire Your Life” by Clare Hudson. Just like everyone else, there are things in my life that need to change. So I picked out a few challenges that I’ll do for a month to motivate myself. For me, doing a shorter-term challenge to change behavior, works!
What about you? Have you challenged yourself to something? Are you reaching for a long-term goal? How do you reach that goal?
Have you decided?
If your TIME today will bring you closer to your goal, then what one thing (or more than one) will you do today?
Leave a comment!
“TIME = Today Is My Everything”
~ Richie Norton quote
Here’s the book I referenced, and it’s free if you have Kindle Unlimited.
Kindle Unlimited is reading option with a fixed price per month and thousands of books to borrow. If you are curious, like to learn/read and own a device that supports the Kindle app,(or you own a Kindle), then this might be a good choice for you. It’s free for the first 30 days. Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
~ Mother Teresa
Love does not judge.
Judgemental = having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.
Many times I feel judging and criticising are kin to each other.
Criticism = the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
What do you think?
“Do not judge other people. Then you will not be judged. You will be judged in the same way you judge others. You will be measured in the same way you measure others. You look at the bit of sawdust in your friend’s eye. But you pay no attention to the piece of wood in your own eye.”
One step in the right direction – today. It’s further than you were yesterday.
Got a goal on the horizon? What’s one task, idea, activity or step you can take in the right direction toward that goal? Now’s the time – be further along tomorrow by taking that one step today!
Herculean Task?
Got a huge goal? Chunk it down.
write one page
pull one weed
do one load
make one call
clear one surface
make one
toss out one
give away one
do for one what you’d like to do for everyone
It’s a small number that makes a big difference if done every day!
People simply feel better about themselves when they’re good at something.
~ Stephen R. Covey
We have the ability to make the world around us better, simply by noticing the good stuff and commenting on it.
Are there people in your circle of influence who need remedial classes in areas where you’re tempted to roll your eyes? Sure there are. However, it’s in our power to look past those weaknesses, and search out where that person has a strength.
No one is good at everything – but everyone is good at something! I challenge you to notice a strength in someone and affirm them!
And if you’d like an extra “gold star”, notice something about yourself that you do well, and give yourself a pat on the back for it! Be nice to yourself, too!
Positive People know they’re loved. And their actions flow from love.
There’s an amazing power in love – both accepting love and giving it.
Positive people are able to love others and receive love. They know that they’re created by God, who loves them and has put them here on this earth, at this time, for His purpose.
Their belief in this truth of God’s love helps others’ outlook by demonstrating, despite circumstances, mistakes and imperfection, love is possible.
When positive people take action it flows from love.
This is the 8th of eight ways positive people improve others’ outlook. It concludes the series! Here are links to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th,6th, and 7th ways positive people improve others’ outlook on life.
Positive People acknowledge the truth and manage the overflow.
Positive People look for things for which to be thankful.
Positive People bring out the best in others.
Positive People build a tribe of other positive people.
Positive People go out of their way.
Positive People are aware of boundaries and also put them in place.
Positive People are focused.
Positive People know they’re loved. And their actions flow from love.
These 8 ways positive people improve others’ outlook began with a sentence in a post by Tom Corley that started me thinking…
“Positive people help to remove or subdue stress,
improving your outlook and your health.”
~ Tom Corely quote
In his post, he’s talking about toxic people and then contrasts them with positive people.
We are to surround ourselves with other positive people.
I imagine there are at least 8 ways positive people help improve other people’s outlook on life. They are probably more than eight… maybe you can add some in the comments.
We won’t all be good at all eight!
There’s every chance we won’t be experienced or proficient at all eight – even if we are pursuing positivity. No worries. Optimists always know there’s room for improvement.
This might be a hard point to assimilate – yet all my research suggests positive people don’t waiver. They don’t shift. They can’t be put off course. (At least not for long.)
Positive people strive for focus and follow through on their goals.
A positive person can change the behavior of others through their example of this perseverance in focus. It rubs off. Focus and perseverance improve others’ outlook on life.
What are you persevering in today?
How will it impact those around you?
This is the 7th of eight ways positive people improve others’ outlook on life. Here are links to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, 5th and 6th ways positive people improve others’ outlook on life.
Positive People are aware of boundaries and also put them in place.
Positive people use the power of boundaries, honoring other people’s boundaries while putting boundaries in place for themselves.
Material boundaries – whether giving, loaning or using items.
Physical boundaries – respecting personal space, and privacy.
Mental boundaries – thoughts, values, and opinions.
Emotional boundaries – knowing beliefs and feelings and owning them.
Sexual boundaries – preserving comfort levels with sexual touch and activity.
Spiritual boundaries – protecting beliefs and experiences honoring God.
Positive People know that healthy boundaries reduce stress and can avoid issues. This impacts others’ outlook by contributing to their mental and physical safety.
Boundaries are not always easy to uphold.
Positive people know that saying “no” is an option. We talked about the benefits of “no” here. However, it’s important to acknowledge that saying “no” as a boundary isn’t always easy…
What boundary have you found necessary to put into place, or uphold recently? Was it easy? Difficult? Any tips?
This is the 6th of eight ways positive people improve others’ outlook on life. Here are links to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th, and 5th ways positive people improve others’ outlook on life.
Be prompted to be positive via email- to remind you that you're loved, to be thankful, of encouraging and to be encouraged and of setting and achieving goals. That's Positive ThanksLiving!
Excellent! I'm looking forward to prompting you to be positive. Let's do this! (Check your email.)