It can be so easy to obsess over what is lacking in life… and that mindset brings no joy to anyone!
Turn your attention to the good things surrounding you.
Count your many blessings, one-by-one. Really consider those relationships, activities, and items you value… pull out a sticky note and write a few down. (Come on, now – it’ll only take a few seconds.)
Attach the “treasure note” to your bathroom mirror, or computer monitor, above your kitchen sink, or on your bedside table. (Somewhere you’ll see it often to be reminded.) And whenever your eyes land on that Treasure Note, give thanks to God.
God loves YOU. See what treasures He has put into your life! And there will be more… give thanks.
Days ago I watched The Sound of Music with the grandboy. Maria, played by Julie Andrews, is a spirited young Austrian woman who leaves the convent to become a governess for Captain von Trapp’s (Christopher Plummer) seven unruly children. Her charm and songs soon win the hearts of the children – and their father. But when Nazi Germany unites with Austria, Maria is forced to attempt a daring escape with her new family.
One scene/song has been playing over and over in my head – Maria takes the 7 children to the mountains for an outing and is surprised that they don’t know how to sing. She pulls out her guitar and teaches them how to sing with these lyrics:
“Let’s start at the very beginning,
a very good place to start… “
Yes. That song has been going ’round and ’round in my head ever since. The concept is much bigger than simply learning how to sing.
How often do we avoid doing something because we don’t know “how”? Too often, I’d imagine. And yet – there’s no need to be stuck… after all, you can find a video on how to do almost anything on YouTube! 😉
Just start.
No need to wait any longer. Begin where you are. One step. One item. One task. One phone call. One activity. Pick one. Do it.
Start where you are. Today.
And tomorrow you can decide what to do next.
PS – Want to watch the clip of this song from the movie? Click HERE to go to YouTube! I warn you, though… you might also have that song going through your head all week! And maybe that’s not a bad thing. 🙂
The dictionary defines “Blessings” as “God’s favor and protection and “aspecialfavor,mercy,orbenefit, approval or good wishes.”
Blessings. What would you consider a blessing in your life?
Keep your mind on those things and give thanks. Let go of everything else.
Try it. Just today.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
… two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though…
everything is a miracle!
What’s a miracle in your life? Just look around you…
Waking up is a miracle. Every breath is a miracle. Touch the hand of a newborn baby and you’ve touched a miracle, as much as touching the hand of those with years and years of maturity and wisdom.
Understanding language is a miracle, falling in love is a miracle, having faith enough to believe is a miracle. The Creator has enveloped us in miracles – we just need to pay attention.
Celebrate all the miracles you see and feel.
Today is another day to rejoice in miracles. YOU are a miracle. Celebrate the person God has created you to become!
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
I’m going to guess, and suggest that all of us are quite susceptible to not noticing the little things in life that could give us pleasure. What do I mean?
a child’s squeal of joy
the deep, comforting aroma and warmth of the coffee in your hands
the feel of the soft sweater we’re pulling on to ward off the chill
the tweet of a bird or rustling of leaves
the refreshing taste of a pick-me-up cup of peppermint tea or an iced glass of Coke
the cool sweetness of frozen yogurt
the glorious sight of a sunrise or sunset
the smile from our parents – whether on a photo or in person
an enveloping hug from a friend
words of encouragement from a co-worker
the chorus of a favorite song
the fragrance of a coveted hand cream
pulling the covers up to your chin and snuggling down into the bed at night
the stars, twinkling up above
the varying color of leaves as they emerge in spring or fall in autumn or shelter in summer
the feel of your favorite spot – in a chair or on your couch
the opening strains of a favorite television show (I still get excited when I hear the theme song from Star Trek.)
your beloved’s voice on a phone message
walking out into the sunshine
the smell of rain after days and days of heat
the crunch of freshly popped popcorn
pretty shoes
a good hair day
the opening credits of a movie you’ve longed to see (especially in the theatre)
someone who smiles at you
I could go on and on and on…
What are the small items you’re likely to ignore or take for granted?
Today – pay attention.
And then give thanks for all those little items after you’ve noticed them. They’re all a part of a wonderful life!
PS – if you feel someone could use a bit of encouragement today, tell them all the little things they do that you’re thankful for! Then share this post to pass on the positivity!
Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier.
This quote is from Eleanor Roosevelt, the longest-serving First Lady of the United States. She held the post from March 1933 to April 1945 during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four terms in office and after that served as United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952.
Though widely respected in her later years, Eleanor was a controversial First Lady at the time for her outspokenness, particularly her stance on racial issues. She was the first presidential spouse to hold regular press conferences, write a daily newspaper column, write a monthly magazine column, host a weekly radio show, and speak at a national party convention. On a few occasions, she publicly disagreed with her husband’s policies.
and in this quote Eleanor continues:
We do not have to become heroes overnight.
Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up,
seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared,
discovering we have the strength to stare it down.
Strength and Courage
I wish you a heaping helping of strength and courage as you go into your day today. Remember – just one step at a time. We are all in it for the long run… make it easier by choosing courage today.
(Go ahead – please share these images below. You might encourage someone else to have a bit of courage today!)
Too often we overthink our actions. We think and think until we talk ourselves out of taking action.
Stop thinking about it – just DO it!
pick up the phone and text (or call) that person who is waiting to hear from you… Who needs your encouragement?
put your shoes on and go out the door. It’s time. Maybe it’s high time you got going?
write that note, because it’s going to make an impact. Really!
smile at that person. You might be the only person who smiles at them today. Make their day better!
toss that piece of garbage – figurative or literal!
use the pretty glass. If not now, then when?
stand up. Maybe you need to stand up for someone else? Maybe it’s for yourself?
talk to the person across from you. Make a connection.
apologize. Say you’re sorry, offer to make it right, assure them you won’t do it again.
accept the challenge. It’s time.
speak life into their life. If not you, then who? Take the opportunity to be the person who makes a difference.
hug that someone. Maybe it’s a verbal hug?
open the Bible. Add some truth to your life. Words of Life.
cut your hair. Or don’t. 😉
dance. Just a little two-step. Nobody will care what you look like…
ask for another chance.
give someone another chance. Take them out of the penalty box. Isn’t it time? Wouldn’t you like that for yourself?
pray. Let it go and give it to the ONE who can. Can anything.
start that new hobby. It’s time to try. If not now, then when? And so what if you’re not good at it? Will you enjoy it? Then start!
make an appointment. You’ve procrastinated enough. Do it now. Take someone with you if you need support.
ride the bike. (Perhaps it’s a metaphorical bike?)
take a nap. Enough already. Stop. Sleep. Take care of yourself!
accept the invitation. This time – it’s time! Just go!
… ? what do you need to just DO? Come on…
What do you need to just DO?
What you will do matters – go ahead
I’ll write a note for you if you feel you need permission…
now DO it!
What you will do matters.
Maybe it’s hard to do something you’ve never tried before… perhaps it even harder to keep going? If you need some more encouragement to keep going read this!
Would a friend appreciate a positivity prompt? Send them to to subscribe!
Never too old (or too young) to set another goal or dream another dream.
“Never too old…” This is a quote by C.S. Lewis, British novelist, poet, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian, broadcaster, lecturer, and Christian apologist. He’s the author of some of my most favorite books, which include the children’s Narnia series, and the adult tongue-in-cheek “Screwtape Letters“.
Is age your consideration?
Sometimes we might think we’re too old. Or too young.
Age is just an excuse, rather than a real reason not to set a goal or try something new.
Sure, our bodies age, but our spirits don’t need to match the date on our birth certificate. You’re never too old. Consider Mark Twain’s thoughts on the idea:
I am aware that I am very old now; but I am also aware that I have never been so young as I am now, in spirit, since I was fourteen and entertained Jim Wolf with the wasps. I am only able to perceive that I am old by a mental process; I am altogether unable to feel old in spirit. It is a pity, too, for my lapses from gravity must surely often be a reproach to me. When I am in the company of very young people I always feel that I am one of them, and they probably privately resent it. – Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 2 (2013), p. 266. Dictated 30 October 1906.
Look around you…
Take a look around at those who are succeeding in a dream you’d want to pursue. I’m guessing they’re at all ages and stages – so there’s lots of room for you too!
If you could set another goal, or dream a new dream, what would it be?
You’re never too old to write a book. Here are 11 famous writers that started late.
You’re not too old to climb a mountain. Robert J. Wheeler climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro at age 85.
It’s never too late to find success in our chosen field! Here’s a book with 50 people who were over 50!
Be prompted to be positive via email- to remind you that you're loved, to be thankful, of encouraging and to be encouraged and of setting and achieving goals. That's Positive ThanksLiving!
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