How can you use one moment well today?
If you’re in the United States of America, you’ll be a part of Thanksgiving weekend and all its complications.
First off, let me wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.
Because of the title of the weekend and the focus of this site, I imagine you’re expecting me to ask you to be thankful about stuff, or express your gratitude over other things. Sure. That’s good. But we already talked about making gratitude a discipline and all the benefits…
And even if you’re elsewhere on this planet and not living in the USA… maybe you also need to consider how to use a moment well.
Sure you’re thankful.
But maybe you’re also feeling other feelings…
So I have an additional suggestion:
Use one moment well.
One moment or two – use it well.
drop your shoulders
unclench your jaw
relax your hands
close your eyes
take a deep breath
breathe out slow
repeat for the next few moments
Happy Thanksgiving – from our home to yours.
I’m thankful for you.

If you’d like to download a free copy of this image (8.5×11) as a reminder, click here!
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