Laughter can be caught – it can be increased and it can explode to infect everyone close by…
Laughter is a good kind of infection.
We all could use a bit more laughter in our days, don’t you think?
Think of all the people you love to laugh with…
Write down all the names of people you’ve enjoyed laughing with and maybe give them a call. Reach out to check in with them.
Send a funny meme, or a link to a favorite comedian performing on YouTube and keep the laughter connection with your friends strong.
This is the second of 30 ideas on documenting being thankful. I started this list last year – you can read the original second post HERE. Now there’s a finished document with all the ideas – 30 prompts on being thankful – and at the end of October 2020, I’ll be offering it as a free download here on PositiveThanksLiving – along with some journaling digital tags to use if you’re at all craft-oriented.

Who is your favorite comedian?
Leave a comment with the person’s name. What do you like best about their performances?

Do you know either of these two comedians?

Subscribe and receive all the prompts to practice being thankful!
If you’re reading this on the website, at the top of the sidebar there’s a subscribe spot or if you’re on your phone scroll down till you see “I want to be positive!” —- put your name and email in the box and you’re IN for some great articles on Thankfulness!
According to that Harvard article, giving thanks and being grateful will make you feel “more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve … health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships” — I think that’s a good thing during this time, don’t you?
Subscribe and receive the full “30 Days of Thankfulness” document at the end of the 30 days!
And if you think a friend could use a bit of cheering up, maybe forward this article to her or him – you could do this 30 Days of Thankfulness together!