What’s your favorite gadget? How does it make your life easier?
The convenience!
I’m thankful for many of my gadgets in the kitchen – my little egg-cooker that shuts off when the egg is done, the rasp so I can have fine shavings of lemon peel, chocolate, etc, and I borrowed my daughter’s food processor so I could mush up fresh strawberries to add to plain yogurt and make some yummy almond crackers.
I’m also having fun using many gadgets in my *junk journaling.

If you think about it, most of us use many gadgets… we don’t even consider them to be time/effort saving devices. But our grandparents (or great-grandparents) sure had it more difficult:
- we have automatic washers – they had a ringer washer or a washboard
- they cooked on a wood stove – we have all kinds of ways to cook in minutes
- we can have library-sized reading options on one small device – they had to borrow from the library and own only a few precious books
What convenience – gadget – do you value that your parents or grandparents didn’t have when they were your age?
Rob and I lived and traveled full time in an RV for a number of years – I missed having my own washer and dryer on site. Today I celebrate every load of laundry done inside my little apartment without lugging everything to a laundromat! And being an avid reader, I really wouldn’t want to give up my Kindle!
Let’s give thanks we live in an age of convenient gadgets!
What wouldn’t you want to be without?
As we go through these 30 days in October 2020, the images you see are from my own journal. I’m using tea-dyed paper as the journal paper and adding bits and pieces to decorate.
*This is a craft called “junk journaling”. Not because it’s junk – but because it incorporates items that would normally be thrown out… It incorporates new and old stuff and even what would be thrown in the garbage.
Like an envelope. It was in a mailer and normally it would be tossed into the recycling or garbage. Instead, I dyed it by letting it sit in tea, then dried it and folded it to become a pocket for some tags… you can see the window in the envelope shows today’s prompt! Click on THIS LINK to see a one-minute video showing the finished product.
This post is part of 30 Days of Thanksgiving – the entire project will be available to download at the end of October 2020! You can read the original post for today here.
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Hmm. There are times when I am grateful for the microwave! Especially when I am having Gary and have waited too long to eat.
I love my pasta machine. We can have fresh pasta in minutes. I used the lasagna disc to make biscuits for my dog, Sheba who went to doggy heaven in May.