Practicing. It’s an interesting concept because there’s often no final stop – no end. At least at first. People practice until they are either bored, they can no longer continue or they reach a level of proficiency with which they’re contented… Sometimes practicing something carries on for a lifetime.
Is there something you find intriguing enough to practice – repeatedly – for an extended time period?
For a number of years, I’ve chosen a specific word to focus on for the year. It was through OneWord365 that I was introduced to the concept, and for this year – 2021 – my word is “Today”. And the idea is that I’m putting into “today” all the things I want to practice. Things like being thankful, encouraging, and other tangible skills.
With this in mind, one item I wanted to explore was to learn how to hand-letter. What’s “hand lettering,” you ask?
Years ago I called it caligraphy.
So, pulling from a list of 100 optimistic words, my practice began. And to facilitate this practice of “hand lettering” 100 words, there’s a challenge many use called The 100 Day Project. (You can learn more here.) That’s the framework for my practice.
And now I’m…
One Quarter Done
As this article is published, one-quarter of this practice hand-lettering is done, that is 25+ words of #the100dayproject is completed.
Here are a few interesting things along the way:
- I’ve changed a few words on the initial list, (see the old list here) because practicing means change
- gave away many of my practice pages and that helped me connect with new people who appreciated my practice lettering,
- and solicited new words. The two new words are “give” and “share”, suggested by one of my new connections.
If you’re interested, here are the first 25 optimistic amended words:
- thankful
- hopeful/hope
- bliss(ful)
- persist(ent)
- merry
- cheerful
- encourage(d)
- assure(d)
- optimistic
- comforted
- enchant(ing)
- content(ed)
- pleased
- grateful
- expectant
- happy
- cherish(ed)
- courage(ous)
- promising
- peace(ful)
- glad
- joy(ful)
- zippy
- share
- enthusiastic
While practicing, things change.
This translates into so much more of life than just putting marks on a paper…
If I practice thinking/speaking optimistically, my mood changes.
Because of practicing piano, I make fewer mistakes.
When I practice putting good stuff into my relationships, they improve and grow. (Rob and I are doing 37 unique date nights in 2021 – you can never stop practicing being a good partner.)
When I pray more, I become closer to God and experience His presence in greater ways.
Practicing in any area will make a difference. Hopefully for the better!
Even though I’m not sure if I’m getting any better at hand-lettering yet… there’s still practicing ahead of me…
Things change when you practice.
What have you been practicing? What’s changed for you during your practice?

If you’re interested, CLICK HERE to go to YouTube and see the video connected to these images.
And you can download the ammended list of 100 optimistic words for yourself – it’s a Word Document.