Thankful for books. Yes. Huge tomes and tiny treasures. Ancient words, new concepts. Happy or sad books, complicated or simple books – they’re all my favorite! And with the invention of the Kindle, I can take all my favorites everywhere I go!
One of my first memories is going to the library. We went once a week on Tuesdays, after my piano lessons. I remember when my mother finally let me stay in the kids’ area by myself, (it was on a different floor) and she went upstairs to the adult books. It was like I’d won the lottery – what JOY! I was so thankful for books.
What elation! Set free among all those stories and ideas!
And then there was that one summer. I determined I’d read every book in that children’s area. Starting at the “A’s” in fiction and in the 000 to 100’s in non-fiction, I think I only made it to the psychology section in non-fiction (just before the 200’s). And I can’t remember about fiction books. Those I read quickly, so who knows? Plus, we were only allowed 12 books per week! (Still feel indignant about that!) And to my defense, there were a LOT of books in my library. At least that’s what I remember…
Thankful for books.
Yes, I’ve developed a fairly healthy relationship with books… ? Maybe.
It’s still my go-to place when I need to escape. Long, long before people binge-watched shows, I binged on books. (Still do, if I’m being candid.)
I can’t fully express how I’m thankful for books…
What about you?
What kind of relationship do you have with books?
Is there at least one book for which you’re thankful?
Use today’s prompt to think of all your favorite books – those from childhood, and every age and stage forward.
Make a list!
Have you shared any of these books with those you love?
My children read the Madeline L’Engle books I loved – Alex was enamored of the book featuring the twins, “Many Waters”. I think it’s still on his shelf. And the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, and Enid Blyton’s “The Adventure of… ” series with Kiki the parrot!
I’m looking forward to sharing these books with the next generation…
So — for which books do you feel thankful?
Leave a comment with a few titles! Share!
(I’m always up for a new book. <wink>)

If you want to read a book about thankfulness, this one was fascinating. The author spent a year exploring being thankful for different aspects of her life. Right now it’s only $1.99 on Kindle!
If you love to read, a Kindle device is an invaluable investment!
But you don’t need to have a Kindle to read digital books – you can use the free app on your phone or computer. Here’s an article about those applications and how to get started.
Having a good book at your fingertips whenever there’s a moment of downtime is so rewarding…
Have you begun your list of all the things to be thankful for?
Here are the prompts for
- Day 1 – Thankful for the View
- Day 2 – Your Nose Knows How to Be Thankful
- Day 3 – Thankful for the Investment
Write them down on a piece of paper, your smartphone, in a notebook or somewhere else…
The object of this game is to see all that it’s possible to be thankful for after 30 days of prompts!