Thankful for Prayer – both the ability to pray and thankful for those who pray for you.
Who prays for you?
Do you know?
Perhaps some people are aware of those who pray for them. But there may be times when there’s little indication…
- grandparents who complain that they don’t see you often enough… continue to intercede in prayer for you…
- your ministers pray for you – even though they don’t know anything about your life. They trust God knows the whole story and reach out on your behalf…
- co-workers who are quiet about their faith and you might not even know that they sit quietly in the church each week, praying for you. (I’ve heard when co-workers were prayed for.)
- that person strolling past your house who is just walking… might be praying for those who live in their neighborhood… my parents-in-law had a tradition of doing that when they went for their evening walk.
- when you’re facing procedures or issues, and you’ve shared with someone, they may just go home and remember you. A stranger could be praying for you. (Rob and I have done that.)
- I know people who, when they hear a siren, automatically pray for those involved.
- when you vent on social media, and though you don’t get a “like” or comment, there will be those who are praying for you and your pain.
Now you. Thankful for prayer…
Who do you pray for? And when?
Prayer is a power action. It’s a gift. It engages the One who created everything.
Prayer can be done silently, and constantly.
It’s a way to express joy and sorrow and fears and overwhelm. It’s a way to help, even when you’re far away, or there doesn’t seem like there’s any solution. Prayer makes a difference.
(And if you have time to scroll on social media, you have time to pray – just sayin’… )
Be thankful for the opportunity to pray.
And be thankful for those who pray for you.

Thankful for prayer is the 8th in 30 days of thankfulness – here are the ones which went before…
- Thankful for the View
- Your nose knows how to be thankful.
- Being Thankful for the Investment
- A history of being Thankful for books.
- Thankful for Convenience
- Thankful for your Spot
- Thankful for Traditions

Positivity Prompts
Be prompted to be positive via email- to remind you that you're loved, to be thankful, of encouraging and to be encouraged and of setting and achieving goals. That's Positive ThanksLiving!