A smile. A pleased, kind, or amused facial expression. Just stop for a moment and think about it…
What makes you smile?
Consider all the times you smile – what prompts a pleasant, kind or amused expression on your face?
- images, photos, or video
- food or drink
- reading something insightful
- loved ones
- doing something you enjoy
- others laughing
- a joke or funny meme
- a pleasant memory
What’s on your list of items that make you feel loved, encouraged, appreciated, humorous, thoughtful, and…
Make that list! (Really – I’m not kidding!)
And then…
Make the effort to prompt smiles.
Now you’re smiling after making your own list, what could you do to prompt a smile on someone else’s face?
Sometimes it’s simply begun by smiling first. Are you at home – is someone in the room with you right now? Smile at them!
Could you pay the bill for the person in the car behind you in the drive-through lane? I bet that’d bring a smile to their face…
Post a happy memory on social media and tag your friend. That’ll make you both smile.
Be kind. Here are 25 ways to be kind for no reason.
Make something yummy and healthy for someone else… it’s summer in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Our fields are full of the bounty of nature. Fragrant herbs, luscious fruit, and tender vegetables – they’re all available to bring a smile to someone’s face. Deliver a smile with food!
(Rob made me oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries for breakfast – I was smiling!)

Introducing more smiles into our world could be a good thing, right?
And though you may be wearing a mask to show how much you respect and value the people you meet, your eyes are the clue you’re smiling…
So – what will you do to bring smiles to someone’s face today?

All these things brought smiles to my face this morning. My little granddaughter makes my face hurt from smiling – reading God’s Word makes me feel good – reminders around my house (that card with the happy sun has been on my shelves for years)…
Ask your family if there are things in your home that make them smile. You might be surprised at their answers…
Yesterday I volunteered at my leagues Art Gallery. I found myself smiling behind my mask and wondering if the people I was talking to could tell I was smiling. I hope so. Smiles are so important.
I think the challenge of smiling behind a mask is going to be a learning opportunity for all of us – how do we show we’re being friendly without the cue of our mouth…
My daughter is an ASL interpreter and of course, for those who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, seeing their interpreter’s mouth and facial expression is part of their language.
I believe we all use cues from others’ faces to communicate. It’s a challenge, for sure. I really like those masks with a clear part to show the mouth…
Oh yes grandchildren will do that! LOL My great granddaughter shares her smile with everyone and I love when I see others that are a bit down smile back and brighten their day!
You’re so right, Martha. Smiling at others is part of brightening everyone’s day! (and our grands are such a joy, aren’t they? 🙂 )
That would be a great question to ask of your family members. I am going to keep that in mind. But it also would be good for me to create my own list of things guaranteed to make me smile. Thanks for this thoughtful post!
Thanks for stopping in, Jeanine. I appreciate your interaction very much!
Besides my volunteering, my clients smile at the realization of our advisories.
What a thought provoking post. Thanks Lori. One thing that makes me smile is that my one year old grandson likes to cuddle with me and watch Wheel of Fortune every evening. That’s my favorite time of day.