What’s new – and what are you thankful for?
Maybe they’re two different topics?
Many new things in our life are not something we’d normally feel thankful for…
Seeking how to be thankful for what’s new.
If you’re like many around the world today, there are new protocols, new issues, new discomforts, fears and concerns and more. Most of our lives have been impacted by the new issues which COVID-19 has introduced.
Maybe we’re feeling fear. Or anger. Or we’re feeling sad that what was normal before, is no longer possible.
But I’m asking you to stretch a bit today.
What could you be thankful for – that’s new?
Have you had more time with those in your life you care about because a new work or school time-table is necessary? Time with those we love is important – and something for which we can be thankful.
Have you had more quiet opportunities to practice your faith? Without a constant option to “go out”, visit and have interactions, have you spent more time in prayer, reading, and contemplation? Just put aside the nostalgia about the old ways of doing things… focus on what could be good about this new way of growing closer to God. Remember, He knew this was coming – all things will work together for good for those who love Him and are called for his purpose…
Have you learned to use some new technology? Yes, I know it’s frustrating. And you’d rather do it the old way. However. Let’s just take a moment to be thankful for the new opportunities in which technologies have shrunk our world interaction. And now this “new” is becoming available for almost everyone. We communicate via technology with our family who lives miles and miles away. Everyone can be included; those who celebrate their 90th birthday to those who are toddlers.
Everyone is learning something new!
And more new – what are you thankful for?
Yes. I’m asking you to stretch a bit.
For just a moment put aside your fears, concerns, grief, and anger…
Look at the new in your life from a different perspective.
An attitude of gratitude!
(You can do this. I believe in you… )

– – This is part of 30 Days of Thankfulness. You can read the original post here.
At the end of October 2020, everyone can download a free document with all the prompts on Thankfulness along with some digital extras.
But there’s more! One person with a USA mailing address will win a handmade package of journaling cards and tags – to enter just leave a comment on one of the posts in this series. November 2nd, 2020 I’ll draw a random winner from those who comment.
You can read and see more HERE.